June 28, 2021 – The U.S. Department of Commerce today announced final affirmative determinations in its antidumping investigations of seamless carbon and alloy steel standard, line, and pressure pipe from Korea, Russia, and Ukraine and its countervailing duty investigations involving imports from Korea and Russia.
As a result of these determinations, imports of these products may be subject to remedial duties totaling 6.22 percent for Korea, 23.75 percent for Ukraine, and 253.10 percent for Russia, after the ITC votes on whether these imports injured domestic producers of the same products.
Commerce’s announcements on these three countries follow a prior final determination that seamless pipe from Czechia was dumped in the United States at margins of 51.70 percent ad valorem and a June 2, 2021 ITC determination that imports from Czechia injured U.S. producers.
Schagrin Associates filed antidumping petitions against imports of seamless pipe from Czechia, Korea, Russia, and Ukraine and companion countervailing duty petitions against imports of seamless pipe from Russia and Korea on behalf of domestic producer Vallourec Star, LP in July 2020. Imports of seamless pipe from these countries were valued at more than $150 million in 2019.
Schagrin Associates has over 35 years of experience representing clients in antidumping and countervailing duty proceedings. For more information, please visit our website at www.schagrinassociates.com.